Repreve | Brand Development

We took this manufacturer—way upstream in the consumer goods process—from plain brown wrapper to green. This leading eco-yarn made from recycled plastic bottles beat the competition with a strong identity and straightforward communications. And started reaching consumers with the message to demand environmentally friendly fibers in the things they buy.

Brand story: Whole-Brained helped develop an approach to storytelling that ensured consumers not only understand, but also link their own recycling to Repreve recycled fibers.

Repreve logo & icons: First order of business was a logo and icons that convey a fresh, simple, eco-friendly feel.

Bottle indicator: Simple. Effective. This icon for product tags shows how many recycled plastic bottles are in a consumer product.

Lifestyle photography: Whole-Brained brought this ingredient brand to life by planning and executing location shoots that show everyday products made from recycled fiber.

Curbside-to-consumer video: An educational approach shows consumers what happens, from recycling plastic bottles at the curb, to wearing a fleece jacket.

Print ads: Concise ads illustrate brands and products Repreve is in, the scenery it helps us conserve, and bottles saved from the landfill.

Web site: The first Repreve web site showcases brands made with Repreve, educates consumers about recycling, and promotes activations, while building credibility with potential wholesale customers.

Hang tags: Custom hang tags developed for different customers and industries enlist them in reaching consumers.

Recycling truck: The truck that collects bottles at events now highlights the good the company is doing… and invites others to join in.

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