Repreve consumer launch | Brand Launch at X Games

A little green beanie, made from 6 recycled plastic bottles, helped make the brand tangible to X Games attendees. An ESPN X Games sponsorship inspired millions of consumers to recycle and look for Repreve. After the X Games, listed Repreve as one of the “Sports Names You Need to Know” for 2013.

X-Fest booth: Educating consumers that recycled plastic bottles go into things they wear… and inviting them to use a photo booth linked to social media.

Recycling station: On-site media included our message on X Games recycling stations… perfect placement for the Repreve brand.

Beanie giveaway: On-the-ground promotion put this ingredient brand in people’s hands—with a beanie made from 6 recycled plastic bottles.

TV commercial: How do you visualize a recycled ingredient that consumers can buy only in other things? Green energy!

Print ad: An arresting trade ad set Repreve apart and highlighted the consumer connection.

Course signs: The Repreve logo was embedded into the broadcast with on-course signage and on-air features.

Digital ads: Digital (and radio) emphasized the importance of working together to create a reprieve for the planet.

Social media: From our photo booth, consumers snapped pics of themselves in the beanies… then shared them automatically on Facebook and Twitter.

X Factor video: To help sell Repreve to direct customers and consumer brands, this video showcases the X Games launch.

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